
My Tourist Ways

Google is my worst best friend, leading me to unfamiliar places without warning me I was trespassing. My shoes pointed toward a slope of cobblestones. I began to step forward when I heard, “Scusi Miss, Scusi.” Turning, I saw men from the Esercito in their vegetato desert jackets, berets, and guns as wide as their bodies. Terror struck me, chills running down my spine. Here I was, in a foreign country, being yelled at by the military. The soldier shook his head and escorted me off the premises. Despite the language barrier, his gestures spoke volumes. Embarrassed, I thought to myself, what a tourist thing to do.

Away from the incident, the shock didn’t deter my travels to a nearby park. The busy, overcrowded area in Rome was overstimulating, and I needed tranquility. The city became less populated and my nose was free of the scent of smoke, which was minimal as I explored to find a park.

 I stood at a crossroads, uncertain of which direction to take. Hesitantly, I started down one path, but then Google Maps indicated I was going the wrong way. I turned back, and forth again, unsure and anxious about getting lost forever. I paced back and forth in the same spot, my hamstrings burning as if on fire. Each step was more painful than the last. Then, confusion set in. A car seemed to wait for me, but then a motorcycle suddenly darted out, cutting the driver off. I felt a pang of guilt, fearing I was the cause of the near collision. The broad street for cars and narrow sidewalks on either side stretched out before me, adding to my anxiety. The street was so silent I could hear my heavy footsteps on the cobblestones and my uneven breathing. Suddenly, a car zoomed past, making me shake in fear. I was alone on the side of the road, and my anxiety kicked into overdrive. Was he laughing at me for not taking a car? Was he going to run me over? Could he tell I was American, and how much did I stand out? 

I finally reached the park, excited to venture into its tranquility. I felt the natural soil seeping into my shoes as I walked. A woman lay on a bench, listening to an audiobook playing out loud in Italian. A man AirPods to talk on the phone. Observing myself, I realized I was using my phone every minute using Google Maps to guide me. I pitied myself because even in a park, I relied on my phone for directions. I wondered if the Italians noticed my distinctly American ways.


Rome: Streets like Vegas

“I can’t believe we are in Rome”. “Everyone is so nice here”. These are some of the common things I have heard from my fellow classmates. The unique architecture and the romantic language do not fool me. Rome in a way reminds me of Las Vegas. 

Las Vegas and Rome are two tourist traps hidden behind the saying “only once-in-a-lifetime”. Yesterday, I was invited to go on a group walk to the shopping district. I could hear excitement and self-confidence in their voices as they listed out places they wanted to go to. “Zara”, “The Lego Store”, “Gucci” as well as “H&M”. All places that feel familiar and safe to the American individual. The stroll to the stores was repetitive to that of Vegas; Overpriced, poorly culturally relevant but just neater in Rome.

Musicians open up their cases to make a euro, artists quietly wait until an aesthete approaches and restaurant promoters up-sell to attract tourists. The meals are the same with pizza, pasta, and gelato shops on every corner. However, in Las Vegas, it is overpriced Gordon Ramsay restaurants. Walking over men and women surrounds the edges and vacates the middle to make their “made in Italy” appealing. These street vendors aggressively use clever tricks to bolster their cash flow. 

Upon arriving at Gucci I stopped at a booth selling various survivors. I often think about the vendors I see on a day-to-day basis in Rome. I wonder what they truly think of the city. Do they love it, or do they simply see it as a marketplace for tourists, pricing their items to attract attention? I’m curious about the stories behind these vendors.

What is their lifestyle?

Where do they receive their products? 

How do they make money?

I want to know more about Italians beyond knowing them as a street vendor. I seek a deeper understanding of their motivations. Are they selling because they genuinely enjoy it, or is it a different reason? I’d love ultimately to sit down with an Italian and hear their true thoughts. I’d like to ask them questions, sparking debates about different perspectives.

While Rome is one of the most tourist cities, I can not help to wonder about the well-being of the workers. All I could think about was when the full documentary was going to come out of the behind-the-scenes for the workers in Rome. 


Final Reflections

Public Relations

The term and act of public relations has many different interpretations. I used to believe public relations was only shown in the form of holding press conferences and engaging in a Q & A section. It has become clear that public relations is a multifaceted discipline that involves interpersonal, writing and interviewing skills throughout this semester. This course has helped my creative thinking and analytical skills. In my coursework I have developed such as active listening skills, identified newsworthy angles and crafted questions to generate credible stories and learn the tools a public relation specialist uses. My perception of public relations has expanded to recognize that it is the act of conveying a message through a medium knowing there will be a receiver bias.

Public relations emphasized the significance of quantity, speed and context. Quantity pertains to the amount of context being put out, while speed relates to the timely release of information to let readers know about opportunities before another source does. Context refers to the format in which information is presented. Public relations is about fostering awareness as well as building relationships to enable two way communication. Public professionals are tasked with managing controversies, controlling online reputation, updating social media and representing brands. These tasks are with the goal of connecting with audiences effectively and efficiently. 

Public Relations Examples

Some examples of this include using public relations to put a spin on stories that may put an individual in a negative light. For example, the Jonas brothers had to reschedule their summer concerts. Their public relations team conveyed to their fans on the jones brothers official website that their shows have been rescheduled. They put out a video for their fans about what happened sharing their point of view.

Another example of public relations is the Spotify pop-up library for Taylor Swift’s new Tortured Poets album. It allows fans to have an on-hands experience with her artistic vision for her new album. This fosters a sense of community among her fans as well as increases the buzz around her new album before it comes out. Furthermore, there was also an element of mystery throughout the library. There were hints and clues about music video release dates and hints about certain lyrics. Swift gives fans a unique experience to get fans excited about her album. Overall, on-hands experiences and mystery give Swift an excellent public relations campaign.

Writing Critique

Over the course of this semester, my writing has undergone noticeable changes and improvements. In my initial blog posts, specifically the first and second ones, I struggled with integrating multimedia content and visuals, which impacted readability. Additionally, these posts lacked clear structure, with long paragraphs and insufficient background information provided about the topics discussed.  For a blog post about Elle King about her performance at the Grand Ole Opry to honor Dolly Parton, I did not give background information about the Elle King controversy, or provide quotes and images. I also did not provide what Twitter post I was referring to and looked into Elle King’s public relation team on how they handled it.


My second blog was about the water brand, Owala’s Instagram post. The same problems appeared here as talked about in the post about Elle. However, there was more of a clear use of research in comparison.  

As the semester progressed, I made conscious efforts to enhance my writing style and content. In my Croctober blog post, I used an engaging lead to reel in readers. I gave them more background about the cowboy boots that were being talked about through attaching a youtube video and a photo about them. Furthermore, I incorporated direct quotes from reputable sources, like CEO Andrew Rees, to bolster credibility and provided actionable recommendations, such as suggestions for improving press releases. One notable strength that emerged from this evolution was my ability to engage readers effectively. I included how the Croc company is honoring fans, as well as recommendation of how the company can get fans involved through social media.

For the Croc blog post, I provided a TikTok of fans reacting to the Croc boots, and I ended the blog with “The ultimate question is, are you ready to ride into Croc Nation?” to include an interactive prompt. 

In my final two blog posts, I applied lessons learned from previous ones, ensuring proper referencing, using heading and providing insightful critiques supported by examples and class concepts, such as design principles as well as using the nut graph. I also engaged in comparative analysis, drawing differences between two different infographics about how to grill safely. 

Moving forward, I intend to continue refining my writing by focusing on further diversifying multimedia content, refining my structure for enhanced readability, and consistently incorporating relevant research and analysis to enrich my arguments.


One aspect I can utilize is interviewing skills, as well as writing a press release. I plan to pursue a career in event planning. I have learned how to effectively tell a story across various media formats. My technical skills have improved as I understand how to reach a large audience effectively. Communication through different mediums is crucial in advertising. Additionally, I’ve learned how to increase event awareness through social media and websites.

This course has provided me with a deeper understanding of the background of through hands-on experience. For example, I enjoy interviewing people and hearing their stories. Public speaking and I strive to assist in challenging situations, excelling at presenting information within tight deadlines. I thrive on planning, executing, and evaluating events, as well as engaging with clients to bring their vision to life. Delegating tasks and setting up rooms are tasks I enjoy.

Social media plays a significant role in receiving and providing information. It serves as a platform for branding, communication, and self-expression. Among friends, it’s a way to share updates on my activities. With potential employers, it showcases who I am and my journey. With young professionals, it demonstrates how I maintain a clean social media presence, reflecting the best version of myself.

However, there are challenges. One must be mindful not to overshare or neglect updates, as this affects how others perceive you. Maintaining a clean profile and monitoring content is essential. Nevertheless, social media offers opportunities to share one’s brand and connect with like-minded individuals, allowing a glimpse into who you are and what you stand for.