
Color additives: What is it

There is a high chance that last week you bought a food item with food additives in it. According to the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics they have learned that about 60% of foods use technical food additives which is about a 10% increase since 2001. If Americans buy color additives all the time, why aren’t the ingredients explicitly stated in the food packages? When searching the question “What are color additives” on Google, the first website that shows up is, which is a government run food and drug administration that has a role in regulating and approving ingredients in our food supply. When clicking on the article “Color Additives Questions and Answers for Consumers” I beg to ask the question “What information are they leaving out of their answers?”. The FDA color additive has synthetic substances and natural sources in it. As to what these “synthetic sources” are, it is unclear. The FDA regulations on color additives in food include substances that are both synthetic and those that derive from natural sources.

The synthetic coloring is man made and has to undergo a batch certification by the FDA to make sure it meets the requirements needed to be used. One of these ingredients includes petroleum which is a crude oil that is used in gasoline, plastic and diesel fuel. Who wants to eat that? In contrast, natural substances such as plants, animals, or mineral sources are exempt from using the requirements but still must be FDA approved. An example is the insect, Cochineal which is dried, crushed and mixed in an acidic solution to make a red dye. The FDA only decided to specify the product because it provoked major health concerns such as allergic reactions, respiratory problems and asthma in some individuals. This begs the question: what other natural ingredients are they keeping from us? 

In total, the FDA has nine color additives approved. You may see some of these including Blue 1 (Popsicles, beverages, frosting & icings) Red 40 (Dairy products, gelatins and beverages) and Yellow 5 (Yogurt, baked goods and condiments). These FDA approved additives have questionable ingredients and you can not let the “natural color” fool you.


STOP, Get Into Nature!

What is all round us and billions and billions of years old? It is the beautiful Earth! More than often, we ignore it for our busy lives. However, Earth’s environment should not be disregarded and can be used as a way to get to know yourself.

I have recently hiked in Golden Gate Canyon State Park. Just a 5.6-mile hike with a 1,120 ft elevation gain and the most difficult rating made me feel alive. Just going into nature allowed me to challenge my mental health. One of the changes was my mindset. When hiking uphill at steep elevation while watching out for rocks and tree roots, pushed me into two decisions. The first was to become negative, complain and give up. The next option was to have a positive mindset and to keep going. Instinctively, I chose to become determined and pushed past the pain. I learned that in times of hardship, I will always choose to become driven, dedicated and motivated.

When walking up the trail I took a few photos. This is so I did not get distracted from the beauty right in front of me. Photos cannot encapsulate the mood or feeling in that movement. I became more thankful for the moment and enjoyed all the emotions that I could not feel again. Being able to see all the amazing sites allowed me to improve my mental clarity and reduce stress. I truly felt free from all judgment.

Hiking allows you to understand yourself and have a deep appreciation for your surroundings. Spending time in nature reduces stress while improving your endurance. I boosted my self-esteem and confidence. So, what are you waiting for? Get into nature!


Is Study Abroad Worth It?

I have always wanted to study abroad. However, COVID hit and the whole world was on lockdown. Four years later, I decided to march into the office of study abroad at my university. Looking at the summer abroad I was nervous due to safety and not knowing the culture or language. However, I decided to face my fears and travel to Rome, Italy for a travel writing course. Little did I know that I would come back with a deeper understanding of culture and a growth mindset.

Studying abroad is a unique educational opportunity because it allows students to see the direct application of course content to their lived experiences. My course was fast paced and required me to write about the different things I saw in Italy. This was a new idea to me as I am used to reading about monuments and historical sites using someone else’s interpretation. However, going into sites I was able to make my observations and understand the culture. This allowed me to gain critical thinking and analysis skills based on seeing Rome with my own eyes.

One of my favorite assignments was interviewing Italians on a cultural difference between Italy and America. I interviewed a staff member who worked at my hotel. We talked for over an hour about transportation in Rome. From political happenings (Ex: the Taxi Strike), the division of the North and South of Italy, the movement of Immigrants to Rome and how what it is like being an Italian. The conversation flowed and I was impressed by how he related his experiences to America. Even though he has never been, he still was able to draw examples from what he has seen on the news. I was able to create connections between the two countries while expanding my preconceived notions of Italy.

Studying abroad allows one to have a deeper appreciation of culture and history. Through the foreign academic setting, I was able to engage in interactions with local Italians, develop a richer understanding of Roman culture and view the art and architecture that Romans handcrafted to be put on display a timeframe for millions to see. My study abroad experiences in Italy not only enriched my academic knowledge but also cultivated personal growth and adaptability while making me more empathetic as well as culturally competent. 


Food Diaries: Cheese

I have recently been to Rome, Italy and it was a blast. One of my favorite things to do was to eat food.

I went to the restaurant Mr. Tiramisu 100 which was awarded Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice in 2023. They have 100 different Tiramisu flavors. Their Tira-Menu (as their menu is called) has tiramisu that includes fruits, your favorite snacks, biscotti honey as well as specialty flavors. Check out their menu on their Instagram page.

However, I was invested in the different cheeses Italy had. This idea came to me after I tasted a charcuterie board (as seen below) from Mr.Tiramisu. I was impressed by how versatile and unique each different cheese tasted. Almost as if they had different personality types.

Gorgonzola, Grana Padano, Ricotta Salata and Montasio are some Italian Cheese I recommend trying based on the cheeses.

Gorgonzola Piccante originated in Lombardy and Piedoment Italy. It is a blue cheese that has a potent intense flavor. It has an aging process of about 80 days which gives it a sharp, spicy and salty taste.

Grana Padano is from Po Valley in northern Italy. It is made with unpasteurized cow’s milk and is similar to parmesan. However, this cheese is aged for about nine months minimum and 20 months at the maximum. It is best served with risotto or pasta dishes.

How is Grana Padano Cheese made: Origin, Nutritional Values and Recipes

Ricotta Salata comes from Lazio, Italy and means re-coked salted in English. This cheese is made from sheep’s milk and is aged for many months. It has a creamy but saltier flavor.

Ricotta Salata Mitica®

Montasion was produced in Italy from the regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia as well as the provinces of Treviso and Belluno. It is made with raw cow’s milk and has a nutty type taste with a fruity taste

Montasio: ricette e storia del formaggio che prende il suo nome dall ...

As a foodie, it was a must to try every new food item that I did not try in the United States. I am glad I was able to eat deciduous tiramisu as well as great cheeses and meats at Mr.Tiramisu 100.