
Food Diaries: Cheese

I have recently been to Rome, Italy and it was a blast. One of my favorite things to do was to eat food.

I went to the restaurant Mr. Tiramisu 100 which was awarded Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice in 2023. They have 100 different Tiramisu flavors. Their Tira-Menu (as their menu is called) has tiramisu that includes fruits, your favorite snacks, biscotti honey as well as specialty flavors. Check out their menu on their Instagram page.

However, I was invested in the different cheeses Italy had. This idea came to me after I tasted a charcuterie board (as seen below) from Mr.Tiramisu. I was impressed by how versatile and unique each different cheese tasted. Almost as if they had different personality types.

Gorgonzola, Grana Padano, Ricotta Salata and Montasio are some Italian Cheese I recommend trying based on the cheeses.

Gorgonzola Piccante originated in Lombardy and Piedoment Italy. It is a blue cheese that has a potent intense flavor. It has an aging process of about 80 days which gives it a sharp, spicy and salty taste.

Grana Padano is from Po Valley in northern Italy. It is made with unpasteurized cow’s milk and is similar to parmesan. However, this cheese is aged for about nine months minimum and 20 months at the maximum. It is best served with risotto or pasta dishes.

How is Grana Padano Cheese made: Origin, Nutritional Values and Recipes

Ricotta Salata comes from Lazio, Italy and means re-coked salted in English. This cheese is made from sheep’s milk and is aged for many months. It has a creamy but saltier flavor.

Ricotta Salata Mitica®

Montasion was produced in Italy from the regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia as well as the provinces of Treviso and Belluno. It is made with raw cow’s milk and has a nutty type taste with a fruity taste

Montasio: ricette e storia del formaggio che prende il suo nome dall ...

As a foodie, it was a must to try every new food item that I did not try in the United States. I am glad I was able to eat deciduous tiramisu as well as great cheeses and meats at Mr.Tiramisu 100.

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