
Is Study Abroad Worth It?

I have always wanted to study abroad. However, COVID hit and the whole world was on lockdown. Four years later, I decided to march into the office of study abroad at my university. Looking at the summer abroad I was nervous due to safety and not knowing the culture or language. However, I decided to face my fears and travel to Rome, Italy for a travel writing course. Little did I know that I would come back with a deeper understanding of culture and a growth mindset.

Studying abroad is a unique educational opportunity because it allows students to see the direct application of course content to their lived experiences. My course was fast paced and required me to write about the different things I saw in Italy. This was a new idea to me as I am used to reading about monuments and historical sites using someone else’s interpretation. However, going into sites I was able to make my observations and understand the culture. This allowed me to gain critical thinking and analysis skills based on seeing Rome with my own eyes.

One of my favorite assignments was interviewing Italians on a cultural difference between Italy and America. I interviewed a staff member who worked at my hotel. We talked for over an hour about transportation in Rome. From political happenings (Ex: the Taxi Strike), the division of the North and South of Italy, the movement of Immigrants to Rome and how what it is like being an Italian. The conversation flowed and I was impressed by how he related his experiences to America. Even though he has never been, he still was able to draw examples from what he has seen on the news. I was able to create connections between the two countries while expanding my preconceived notions of Italy.

Studying abroad allows one to have a deeper appreciation of culture and history. Through the foreign academic setting, I was able to engage in interactions with local Italians, develop a richer understanding of Roman culture and view the art and architecture that Romans handcrafted to be put on display a timeframe for millions to see. My study abroad experiences in Italy not only enriched my academic knowledge but also cultivated personal growth and adaptability while making me more empathetic as well as culturally competent. 

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